Grimtasia (Grim Dawn Mod)

Click here to download Grimtasia-2021-1212
- Level 60 Mastery Maximum
- 5 Skill points/LVL to Level 10, then 4/LVL to Level 20, 2 skill pts from level 90+
- Maximum of 60 Devotion points (originally 55)
- Major increase in stash size to 30 by 24
- Decreased utility of energy potions (I want spirit to be more important)
- Idle time set to 4 seconds (I always felt this was way to low)
- Potion stack size set to 999 (more room for other stuff)
- Added D2 Runes (but no recipes using them yet), Gems as augments
- Added skill bonuses to many of the original classes to help balance them with D3 classes.
- Monsters are being upgraded, larger groups, faster attacks, more health, more debuffs. Bosses will have more skills.
- New rank 9 skill called "Barbarian Lore"
- Berzerker (Fighting Spirit 12), increase speed and duration
- Hardened Spirit (Menhir's Will 16), increase health and energy regeneraton by 30%
- Hard Training (Military Conditioning 10), +500 health and +30% health regeneration
- New rank 1 skill called "Gunslinger"
- Advanced Technology (Blast Shield 12), +25% duration
- Radioactive Decay (The Big One 12), adds poison damage
- High Voltage (Stun Jacks 16), +25% radius
- Cold Lightning (Full Spread 12), frostburn, 10% freeze chance
- Hellfire (Doom Bolt 12), +100% radius, adds burning damage
- Spirit Soothing (Storm Spirit 12), +30% energy regen
- Fanaticism (Bond of Bysmiel 12) +100 life regen
- New rank 9 skill called "Summon Shade"
- New rank 9 skill called "Mistwalker"
- Aether Ray has piercing now.
- Negative Inertia (Mirror of Erectes 12), +30% move speed
- Prismatic Sphere (Conversion 10), +10% elemental/aether resist, +5% max elemental/aether resist
- Dark Thoughts (Arcane 10), +10% cast speed
- Enlighten (Inner Focus 12), +30% energy regeneration
- Firestorm (Inferno 12), +6 Radius
- Apocalypse (Devastation 16) +2 meters, +.2 meter ember radius, +25% duration, +100% embers
- No Changes Yet
- No Changes Yet
- No Changes Yet
- Holy Day (condemn 16), +100% radius
- Loyalty (Phalanx 16), +100% duration
Demon Hunter
- Dark Cloud (Rain of Vengeance 12), +25% duration
- Unchanged
- Name changed from "D3 Necromancer" to remove redundancy.
- Bone/Ice/Blood Golems completely redone and are separate skills now.
- Toxic Tips (Bone Spikes 16), adds poison damage
Witch Doctor
- Spirit Dust (Spirit Vessel 10), restore 20% energy
- Chattering Teeth (Fire Bomb 12), adds 2-4 bombs
- Peaceful Trip (Enjoy the View 10), +100 energy/sec
- Armageddon (Meteor 12), +100% fall rate
- Unrelenting Storm (Blizzard 12), 5% chance to freeze now
- Designed to be a retro class in honor of the original D2
- Loosely based on a merge of the TQ Dream and Nature classes
- Balance skill acts as a form of energy shield. Somewhat like the D2 Sorceress.
- Dual wielding dagger combat form
- This is meant to be a helper class when you really just want to focus on one mastery.
- Wolf summons
- Devious Contraptions
- Knife Throwing