My Gaming Life

Hello, welcome to my website: MotelMaya.com
The purpose of this site is to make my work available to the public. It includes games that I have released for the PC and some cryptocurrency stuff that I have also worked on.
I love designing and programming computer games. I learned about boolean logic when I was about 10 years old. Later, I learned about the theory of programming when I was about 12 years old, but never had a chance to actual do some programming till I was 19 and gained access to a TRS-80. Later (around 1982), I manage to buy a VIC-20 and then a Commodore 64. I wrote several games using 6502 machine code for these, but nothing really worth publishing. Next (around 1985) I owned an Atari ST, which I had 3 published games. The first was a chess game published in Compute! magazine , followed in a subsequent issue by a version of my TAC5 game. I received a reasonable flat payment (around $1500 and $500) for these games. Later, I programmed a game called Mystic Maze which became a 2 player game called Mystic Mirror, which was rewritten as a one player game called Mystic Well. Mystic Well was very popular in the shareware community, featured in several European magazines specializing in Atari ST stuff, and even included in some of the disks that came with them.
With the decline of the Atari ST by 1990, I decide to sell it and get my hands on a PC. I ported Mystic Well over to it first, renaming it Daymare 1 as it included a few quality of life improvements to reduce the grind. I also switched to a no class system, and instead, emphasized attributes and a variety of equipment to support different play styles. Next, building on my previous lessons, I made a game called Daymare 2. This game included serious improvements in many areas and was a lot more fun to play. The only negative was that while these two games ran fine on the machines available to me, I heard of problems with other PCs due to the different varieties of DOS and mouse drivers prevalent in the PC community at the time. I didn't have the monetary resources to deal with this issue and lost interest in making games for some years.
While DOS and early versions of Windows failed to standarize the interaction of operating system and hardware, this was formalized and fixed with Windows XP. Suddenly, about a decade later, all my early DOS games worked perfectly. I even made a little game called TAC5 to learn the fundamentals of Windows programming. Check it out here: here!
So what does the future hold? When I was young, making games was just a hobby. I had to work to survive. Now that I am retired, I can do what I want. I have switched from assembly language to C (works best for me as a top-down programmer) and use OpenGL and FreeGlut for graphics. I will probably use a game engine (Unreal or Godot) in some of my future games though.
Right now, I am working on a MMODC (Massive Multiplayer Online Dungeon Crawler) called Mystic Maze (resurrecting an old title). The first of it's kind, this game includes an in game cosmetic (making it a commodity) called Glitter that is pegged to Bitcoin Cash (BCH). One Glitter equals one bit (100 Satoshis).
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